I was surprised recently when I received a box of Banapple cake, with a “thank you” card, from somebody whom I found out was able to use my Red Cross Blood Donor Card for his operation. I do not know him. Somebody from the office just asked for a Red Cross card and I handed mine, without knowing that it could be of help. I just want to say to him, “Thank You.” I was really touched by his gesture of appreciation. I pray that he will get well soon.
The first time I became a blood donor was in year 1998 when my wife delivered our second child in Fabella Hospital. Since she will be undergoing caesarian operation then, we have been required to donate 4 bags of blood to their bloodbank. I immediately offered myself but we still needed three more. I have asked our relatives, even those of my wife, to volunteer but nobody heeded our request. They were either too afraid or just did not care (nagtampo tuloy kami sa kanila). Before we were allowed to check-out from the hospital, I still have to plea because we were able to donate only one bag of blood.
From then one, I have volunteered to donate my blood at least once or twice a year – at company-sponsored blood letting campaigns for Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) and for National Children’s Hospital (where I got my armband “I Am A Blood Donor, And I Save Lives”), and at government hospitals like Amang Rodriguez Memorial Center (for the mother of my brother-in-law’s girlfriend) and Philippine Heart Center (for a relative of a churchmate).
Last week, another blood-letting campaign was organized by our company. I was able to convince my wife to join me. It’s our way of giving back to the company for its generosity during the onslaught of Ondoy last year.
I was approached by one of our bosses and teased me about doing it for another box of cake. And then, what she spoke really touched me. She said, “You know, we can really be of help to others in so many ways, even in our own simple ways. And that is by donating blood.” I nodded.
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