Suddenly, the Lord spoke to me about my life being like that of a jigsaw puzzle.
My life is composed of numerous bits and it was in chaos. It was disarranged by the adversary. I tried to connect them but my efforts were futile. It was too complex. Others tried to help me put it in order but they themselves were disarranged jigsaw puzzles.
And the Lord from on high reached down from heaven to do the work nobody could do. One by one, He picked up those pieces and connected them. With ease! He is a Master in arranging lives. Every shade of color, every shape, He is very much familiar with it. He is the One who created me. He knows me by name. He knows my composition, my innermost being.
As I look at myself, I marvel at the work done by the Lord in my life. He has put it in order. I could see my heart blazing with fire. It is right in the middle of the picture. My hands are already visible. It is clean! My feet and my legs, oh how handsome I am! I never thought I could be this fine looking! But… my face… it is still empty! My fingers are not yet complete. My head! It is still bald! I cried to the Lord, “Why?! What is this?”
He answered,
“My son, I am still in the process of putting your life in order. But soon, you will see your complete self. Remember, the pieces for your face were already made. I made it myself. It is just disarranged. But trust me, you would look good! I know what you would become! Soon, very soon, you will marvel at the finish picture of yourself. I am not going to give up working on you. I’ll finish this jigsaw puzzle of your life. Soon, very soon, you would be complete and be made perfect …”
I smiled and bowed down to worship Him who is faithful in finishing the jigsaw puzzles of our lives.
(Year 1995)
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