Last Sunday, there was an announcement that CC Manila will be going to Zambales on Monday, September 22. The church will help in the construction of the church there in Sagpat, Zambales. Since Monday was a holiday, I volunteered to join the team.
Before leaving the house at 2:00 am, my wife and I prayed for the safe trip of the volunteer men and that the Lord be glorified in our desire to be an encouragement to our brothers in Sagpat. I personally thanked the Lord for giving me this chance to be involved once again in a church activity.

I walked for almost 30 minutes since there were no tricycles yet on the street. I just prayed that the dogs on the streets won’t bite me. It was cold and there were nobody else walking. When I reached the main road where I have to wait for a jeepney, I was already perspiring. Whew!
Instead of travelling for probably an hour more via 2 jeepney rides in going to New Manila, a brother volunteered to pick me up here in San Mateo so that my travel time would be reduced to half hour. If not, I would have to leave the house at 1 am! Thanks, Bro.

When we reached Broadway Centrum in San Juan at around 3 am, we saw that there were already lots of people lining up the streets. They were people who wanted to make sure that they would become an audience in Eat Bulaga. I pity them. They brave the cold night and the dangers in the streets just to have a chance to win some money from the games they hope to join in.

We reached the church in Sagpat at around 9 am. We immediately changed our clothes, to get ready for hard labor and to sweat under the heat of the sun. Most wore shorts and shirts, but some even have rubber boots, gloves and hats. Fuego! We took turns in carrying buckets of sand and gravel and water. I took some rest from time to time because I easily get dizzy.

The Calvary men, together with some locals there, shared a simple yet sumptuous meal, cooked on firewood. The people there were very simple. Most derive their food from their produce like camote and papaya. They have electricity but only a few could afford some basic appliances. Most houses do not have rest rooms. More than the physical and material help that we brought to the church in Sagpat, it was our presence that was appreciated more by the pastor there. He quipped, “The Lord really cares for us here because He sent you to us today. He doesn’t forget us. We’re not alone.”

I mingled with some of the kids there, most were Aeta children. I tried to converse with them in Tagalog. They understood me but they cannot speak my language. They just smiled. They willingly posed when I took pictures of them. They haven’t been to Manila, they watch television through their neighbors, and most do not have slippers. I just told them to pray to God and to study hard. Again, while munching “balinghoy” or cassava, they just smiled.

I enjoyed my fellowship with my brothers. We exchanged stories and shared some laughter, inside the van during our travel, while helping in the construction, while lounging under the nipa hut and while eating with our bare hands. We bathed under the pouring rain while trekking the trail to the Sagpat Waterfalls. Together, we marveled at the awesome creation of the Lord.
Going home, I was able to hitch again in a car of another brother. If not for him, I would have to brave the alleys of Cubao and the footbridges (Thanks, Bro!). It’s really dangerous at night. At Araneta Avenue, three drunken men were making a scene in the middle of the street. When I ride the jeepney in Marikina going to my town, five men who were obviously intoxicated were among the passengers. Three were just teen-agers. One passenger was even pissed-off because one of the those was reclining on him. When I get-off from the jeepney, there were a lot of barangay police in the area because a fight among teen-agers has ensued. Waah!
Finally, at 12 midnight, I was home. I could now rest and sleep (Thank you, Lord!). I still have work the following day. But I was happy – happy that my Lord has been gracious & merciful to me and that He blessed the work of our hands.

Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
(Ephesians 4:15-16)