An officemate of mine was offended by my claim that God knows me personally. She just couldn’t grasp the idea of a Heavenly God being personally involved in a man’s life. But that’s the truth - the Lord knows me!
He knows everything about me – my past, my present, and my future. Everything about me is laid bare before Him, nothing is hidden from Him – my thoughts, my joys, my dreams, my longings, my fears and my frustrations.
He knows the hurt that I feel whenever my kids would do things that displeases me. He knows when I seem to think that I am a failure as a father. He knows how I desire to give my wife and my children the best things, if only I have the resources.

He knows how I struggle to make peace with my arrogant neighbor, and how I try to accept some situations in my workplace, knowing that He sees eveything, that He will deal with it someday, somehow. He knows my sadness whenever I watch and hear some news that a convicted plunderer or murderer or rapist is freed from prison, just because they have connections.
He knows how I love Him, how I desire to honor Him in everything, eventhough at times, my thoughts and actions show the opposite thing. He knows when I have doubts about His presence and faithfulness in my life. He knows how to reassure me of His great love and that He will carry me through, until the end.
The Lord knows me, and He knows you, too. So take heart, the Lord knows…